Emergency and Health Procedures


Sick children must not be sent to school. Children with elevated temperatures should be kept home until 24 hours after normal temperature has resumed or upon doctor’s recommendation. Table Rock Christian School, in order to provide the healthiest school environment for all, must reserve the right to send children home for suspected illness. We will make every effort to exercise this right properly. Your cooperation in keeping sick children at home will aid us tremendously.


We discourage the taking of medication during school hours unless there is a special, serious problem. State law for the administration of medication at school requires both physician and parental permission. Please contact the school should it be medically necessary to administer medications at school. Should it be necessary to bring medication to school, all medication must be carried in its proper and labeled container and must not present a hazard to other students.

Immunizations and Health Records

All students must comply with the State of Idaho’s requirements for immunizations and health assessment. Record of immunization is required upon school enrollment. All forms that must necessarily be completed will be included in the enrollment package or otherwise available at the school office. Please contact the school or the local health department for questions regarding these requirements.

Health checkups are required by the State for first graders, students entering junior high, and students entering high school in public school. While not required by Table Rock Christian School, such checkups are highly recommended, especially vision and hearing exams.


In case of natural disaster your child will be kept at school and supervised until you come and get him or her. Children will not be released to anyone but their parent(s) or adult previously designated in writing by the parent(s).


The Bible teaches that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Please provide only nutritious snacks and meals for school. High-sugar treats and caffeinated drinks, such as colas, affect the students’ abilities in school. Do not send such drinks or snacks to school.

Students may not share their food. Food brought from home and not eaten at school must be taken home, not thrown away, so that parents are aware of what the child is and is not eating. Food heating options will not be offered.

Class Visitation

We encourage classroom visitation by school parents, as well as by prospective parents and students. Please arrange classroom visitation through the school office prior to the date desired in order to avoid schedule conflicts and possible inconvenience to you. If your child forgets items needed for school, please do not take them directly to the classroom; take them to the office so as to minimize disruption. We will make sure the item gets to your child in a timely manner.

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