General School Information


The purpose of this handbook is to familiarize pupils and their parents with the program of Christian education being offered at Table Rock Christian School (TRCS). It is our hope that through the use of this handbook you will understand and appreciate the objectives, policies, and practices of our school and be able to determine if TRCS is the right choice for you.

TRCS is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Teton Valley. TRCS has it’s own School Board and does not look to Calvary Chapel Teton Valley for financial support other than the provision of a school facility. TRCS does look to Calvary Chapel Teton Valley for oversight, leadership, and TRCS is under the umbrella of Calvary Chapel’s 501(c)(3) organization. Attendance at Calvary Chapel Teton Valley is not a requirement for attendance or employment at TRCS.

Attendance at Table Rock Christian School is a privilege and not a right. We seek to serve only those families who share our vision of true Christian education and thus, enrollment is contingent upon the parent(s) commitment to the same Biblical Christian view, Christian Doctrine, and Christian practiceof education as TRCS holds. Like-mindedness with these values, views, and practice, is required by necessity. Like-mindedness will be discussed during the admission application process and is one of the factors we utilize for determining whether or not to grant admission to the school. TRCS reserves the right to refuse admission to any student at the sole discretion of TRCS.


Welcome to Table Rock Christian School. This school has been founded for the distinct purpose of helping families to train and equip their Christian children to fulfill their place in life. TRCS would like to prepare a young person to be thoroughly prepared to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every area of life, “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Note that this Handbook represents our formal covenant, in spirit and deed, to work together for the education of the children, the school and the home – each contributing its appropriate part and each agreeing to uphold the policies herein. We are pleased to serve you who have determined to make true Christian education a way of life for your family. We pray and trust God for a tremendous blessing to the children and families each year as we work together according to a Biblical pattern of education.

Our Calling and Philosophy

We believe our mission and purpose for Table Rock Christian School, by the calling of the Lord, is to minister to families who are convinced that their children ought to be brought up in the Lord for all of His purposes; to be filled with godly character, knowledge, wisdom and skill to live in today’s world, but on God’s terms and all for His glory. Our focus is to (1) Understand and shepherd the heart of the student and, (2) provide a challenging academic curriculum. We have chosen to place our focus on being a discipleship school rather than an evangelistic school. Meaning, we desire to enroll students/families that already possess a belief in Jesus Christ and have made Him their Lord.

The manner of our effort will be through a Christian-Traditional education, instead of today’s more common Secular-Progressive education. The Secular-Progressive philosophy of education focuses on esteeming self, relative values, no belief in God, and no respect for higher authority. The Christian-Traditional philosophy of education focuses on critical thinking, logic, and moral absolutes as determined by our Creator. Christian traditional education is a proven method, which instills a Biblical and practical view of life. We also endeavor to relate Christian principles into every subject in our school curriculum. (For example, when teaching Math, we see that God is a God of beautiful order).




(Taken from our parent organization, Calvary Chapel Teton Valley)

WE BELIEVE in the inerrancy of Scripture, that the Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16).

WE BELIEVE that there is one God, eternally existent in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19).

WE BELIEVE that God the Father is the personal, transcendent, and sovereign Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1).

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human, that He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, provided for the atonement of our sins by His vicarious death on the Cross, was bodily resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit, ascended back to the right hand of God the Father, and ever lives to make intercession for His Church. After Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to the believers in Jerusalem, enabling them to fulfill His command to preach the Gospel to the entire world, an obligation shared by all believers today (Matthew 1:18; John 3:16; Acts 1:9, 11; 2:1-41; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 3:18; and the Gospels).

WE BELIEVE that all people are by nature lost and separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person places his/her faith in Christ as his/her Savior, that person is immediately born again, sealed by the Holy Spirit, forgiven of all his/her sins, and becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord (John 3:16-19; 5:24; Romans 5:8-9; Ephesians 1:13-14; 2:8-10; Titus 3:5).

WE BELIEVE in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the Father and the Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and the coming judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify, and empower for service all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ. We believe that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible, and that the use of the gifts is valid for today within the guidelines of Scripture. We believe that love is more important than the most spectacular gifts, and without love all exercise of the spiritual gifts is compromised (John 14:26; 16:13; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19-20; 12-14).

WE BELIEVE that church government should be simple rather than a complex bureaucracy. We depend on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in establishing leadership within the church in accordance with the Scriptures (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9).

WE BELIEVE in the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with His Church to rule on the earth during the Millennial Kingdom. We believe Christ’s rule will be visible and personal. We also believe in the resurrection of the saved and the unsaved; the saved unto eternal life and the unsaved unto eternal punishment (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 3:10; 19:11-16; 20:1-15).

WE BELIEVE in the two New Testament ordinances of Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These ordinances are observed in obedience to the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ as acts of love and devotion and are not necessary for one’s salvation (Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:24-25).

WE BELIEVE that God created man and that He created them male and female. As such He created them different so as to complement and complete each other. God instituted monogamous marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. Therefore, we perform marriages in accordance with the Bible consistent with the Old and New Testament (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6; John 4:16-18; Romans 1:18-32; I Corinthians 5:11, 6:9-11, 6:18-20, 7:1-3 and 7:8-9; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-7; 1 Timothy 1:9-11).

WE REJECT: (1) The belief that true Christians can be demon possessed, (2) the “Positive Confession Movement” which teaches that God can be commanded to heal or work miracles according to man’s will, (3) the “Prosperity Movement” which teaches that it is God’s will for every believer to be wealthy, (4) human prophecy that supersedes the Scripture, (5) the incorporation of humanistic and secular psychology and philosophy into Biblical teaching, and (6) the overemphasis of spiritual gifts, experiential signs and wonders to the exclusion of Biblical teaching.

IN OUR SERVICES we focus on a personal relationship with God through worship, prayer, and the teaching of the Word of God. We teach using an expositional format primarily and, on occasion or for a special series, a topical format. We endeavor to teach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). We do not allow speaking in tongues during the services, nor prophecy while a Bible study is in progress, because we do not believe that the Holy Spirit would interrupt Himself (Acts 2:42-47; 1 Corinthians 14:32).

WE SEEK to teach the Word of God in such a way that its message can be applied to an individual’s life, leading that person towards greater maturity in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13; Nehemiah 8:8).

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